Multi table relation in tabs (nested tables) Editing of related records in other table (Added in v 2.0)

PDOCrud allows the editing of related records of different table i.e. similar to nested table. Nested Table is a table inside a table. It is not stored in that way but similar concept is used. You can define relation between the two tables data using some binding column value.

                                //student table object
                                $pStudent = new PDOCrud();
                                $pStudent->multiTableRelationDisplay("tab", "Student");
                                //student's class object
                                $pStudentClass = new PDOCrud(true);
                                $pStudentClass->crudTableCol(array("class_id", "class_name", "code"));

                                //first paramater is first table(object) columnn name and 2nd parameter is 2nd object column name
                                $pStudent->multiTableRelation("class_id", "class_id", $pStudentClass);
                                $pStudentClass->multiTableRelationDisplay("tab", "Class");

                                //student's class object - adding one more table 
                                $pStudentTransport = new PDOCrud(true);

                                //first paramater is first table(object) columnn name and 2nd parameter is 2nd object column name
                                $pStudent->multiTableRelation("transport_id", "vehicle_id", $pStudentTransport);
                                 $pStudentTransport->multiTableRelationDisplay("tab", "Vehicle");
                                //2nd level of nesting  - relating section to class(first student to class and then class to section)
                                $pStudentSection = new PDOCrud(true);

                                //first paramater is first table(object) columnn name and 2nd parameter is 2nd object column name
                                $pStudentClass->multiTableRelation("class_id", "class_id", $pStudentSection);
                                $pStudentSection->multiTableRelationDisplay("tab", "Section");

                                echo $pStudent->dbTable("student")->render();


Showing 1 to 5 of 12 entries

# Student id First name Last name Actions
1 1 Nitishassss Patil
2 2 vaishali patel
3 3 ankit patidar
4 4 x x
5 5 rahul verma
# Student id First name Last name Actions