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Apart from column based search, you can add the advance filter options in PDOCrud. You can specify different filter and connect to different columns of table. You can also specify type of filter and how it should work. Currently it support three types of controls - dropdown, radio button and textbox. More options will be available in future versions.
$pdocrud = new PDOCrud(); //add Filter ("unique-filter-name", "Filter display name", "column name to be matched","type of filter") $pdocrud->addFilter("product_cat_filter", "Product Category", "product_cat", "radio"); //set data for filter ("unique-filter-name",array of data or table,key (if source=db),value (if source=db), "source_type") $pdocrud->setFilterSource("product_cat_filter", array("Electronic" => "Electronic", "Fashion" => "Fashion"), "", "", "array"); $pdocrud->addFilter("ProductLineFilter", "Product Line", "product_line", "dropdown"); $pdocrud->setFilterSource("ProductLineFilter", "products", "product_line", "product_line as pl", "db"); $pdocrud->addFilter("ProductVendorFilter", "Vendor", "ProductVendor", "text"); $pdocrud->setFilterSource("ProductVendorFilter", "", "", "", ""); echo $pdocrud->dbTable("products")->render();
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