PDOCrud Image operations Resize, thumbnail, flip, crop, add overlay(water mark), add text to image (added in v 1.9)

With PDOCrud, you can easily resize images, make thumbnails, flip images, crop images, add overlay (watermark), or add text to images. You need to define the field type as image to make it file control. PDOCrud uses The SimpleImage PHP class to implement all these image related operations.

                            $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                            //resize image, (width as key and height as value in array)
                            //Add overlay image (watermark) - pass overlay image, position, opacity, x_position, y_position
                            $pdocrud->watermark("http://localhost/pdoCrud/demo/pages/images/overlay.png","bottom right","0.8");
                            // Thumbnail Trim the image and resize to exactly width and height given
                            $pdocrud->thumbnailImage(100, 100);
                            //Crop image - x1, y1, x2,y2
                            $pdocrud->crop(5, 20, 100, 400);
                            //flip image (x or y)
                            //Add text on image
                            $pdocrud->imageText('Your Text',  __DIR__.'/images/delicious.ttf', 32, '#FFFFFF', 'top', 0, 20);

                            $pdocrud->fieldTypes("product_image", "image");
                            echo $pdocrud->dbTable("products")->render("insertform");