PDOCrud Add conditional logic to show/hide fields

Conditional logic to show/hide some fields based on the value of field. Please note that this will work with the main table fields only. You can define for which value show some other fields or hide some other fields.

                            $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                            $pdocrud->fieldTypes("City", "select");//change state to select dropdown
                            $pdocrud->fieldDataBinding("City", array("Newyork"=>"Newyork","London"=>"London","Delhi"=>"Delhi","Other"=>"Other"), "", "","array");//add data using array in select dropdown
                            //when city is other then hide state and zip code else show
                            $pdocrud->fieldConditionalLogic("city", "Other", "=", "State", "hide");
                            $pdocrud->fieldConditionalLogic("city", "Other", "=", "Zip", "hide");
                            $pdocrud->fieldConditionalLogic("city", "Other", "!=", "State", "show");
                            $pdocrud->fieldConditionalLogic("city", "Other", "!=", "Zip", "show");
                            echo $pdocrud->dbTable("employee")->render("insertform");