Load dependent data change data in another field on change of some field in PDOCrud

                            $pdocrud = new PDOCrud();
                            $pdocrud->fieldTypes("billing_country", "select"); //change type to select
                            $pdocrud->fieldDataBinding("billing_country", "country", "country_id", "country_name", "db"); //load select data
                            $pdocrud->fieldTypes("billing_state", "select"); //change type to select
                            $pdocrud->fieldDataBinding("billing_state", "state", "state_id", "state_name", "db"); //load select data
                            $pdocrud->fieldDependent("billing_state", "billing_country", "country_id"); //now on change of country it will change state
                            $pdocrud->fieldDisplayOrder(array("first_name", "last_name", "billing_country", "billing_state"));//change display order
                            echo $pdocrud->dbTable("ordertable")->render();   

Populate data in another field on change on data in some field up using PDOCrud